A downloadable game

Rube Goldberg Machine

In this exercise, I made a Rube Goldberg machine using Physics, like colliders to ensure that objects don't fall through each other, and rigidbodies for some objects to move and fall. 

In addition, I also used 

-a moving camera using WASD, so the player can follow the ball through the Rube Goldberg Machine, along with accompanying text so the player is aware of it

-a Start and Exit menu to give a more complete feel

-audio towards the end

-portals to teleport objects along the Rube Goldberg machine

-colliders with is trigger checked, so objects can fall through it but also trigger an event


WY- Rube Goldberg Machine (Mac Build).app.zip 40 MB
WY- Rube Goldberg Machine (Windows Build).zip 31 MB